Day 1
I arrived at Binus Syahdan and went straight to asked BCÂ for direction to my class, as i had been told by them i noticed its on the third floor the Syahdan building. As i opened the door to my class, my class BC greeted me and asked me to do tapping and so i do what i have been told. I saw much people seated at their own seat and does some little chat. I walked slowly towards the back of the class because the the only available sit that i saw. There in front of us standing our buddy coordinator while introducing them self. In this day we did learn the Binus song.
Day 2
I arrived at Binus Anggrek and the topic for today FEP is Binus way, it thought us the vision and mission of Binus. It also told us the value and culture here ini Binus, next session is Binusian Journey where we got our information on our 4 years of studying in Binus and all acronym in Binus, so we will know better. After all that we still practiced the dance for buddy song somekind like that. By the way at this day i made so much friend here they are friendly. At the end of the day we got a challenge to make a “yel-yel” sort of a cheers for our class, so we start discussing the idea and yet we didn’t get any.
Day 3
Its time for Bunga Rampai we gather in the hall, i took my seat with my new friends that i met in the class and they were friendly and fun. By the way Bunga Rampai is where UKM present their own activity like sport, language, drama and many else. But above all that were presenting i was interested in basketball and cyber security. next session was in a class that talk about test like mid semester test and the real semester test. At this day too i was informed i was in wrong class i supposed to be in DBN2 instead I’m in BBN2, nobody inform me to reprint the FEP card again so i continue anyway in BBN2. But don’t get me wrong i love the people in BBN2 they are so friendly and in short time we became so close to each other, so it’s really okay with me to stay in BBN2,cheers. Still the same we must create a cheers for our class this time we got some ideas
Day 4
In the noon time we gather in Anggrek, and we redirected to our own religious believe. I was in the Christian class along with my fellow friends we did some prayer and listening to the preacher. After that we gather once again and went to the lab for explanation of Binus maya, but sadly at that day Binus maya was broken we can’t make an account there, such strange problem. But we still got explanation of Binus maya with one of BC account. when the time is still left we got some early basic C++ tutorial, and it was nice. This is the last day before we got to perform our cheer so we went home late for training the cheer in the class eventually we did came up with one.
Day 5
we gather in syahdan for the EXPO where we can see the UKM stand there, before all that we present our cheer in front of other class too and we sing the Binus anthem and buddy song and else. I saw other class cheer was good too but above all that we did have fun with everyone else. After all that we went to the UKM stand i definitely went to basket to register and battle with the senior so i could get free registration but no my team lose to the senior, they were so good. nonetheles we got our own UKM and was very happy with the outcome so we eat together afterward. Thats all folks for the FEP activity day by day, thank you.