12 September 2015
This day where the IT people of Binusian 2019 came together, this is also marked us that we are part of the HIMTI. The ceremony start with watching movie and another movie, when in the middle of the second movie they cut it to start the show. First the host greet us and the opening band perform after that band, much people were called like the coordinator of the show and some representative of the IT, it took a while i mean much time. Then after series of session its lunch time, my row got very little meal i mean literary a to so much meal so we went down to get more food. Next we listen to the speaker that was invited and theres the drama too, but the drama its too long make it a little unattractive. Next is another break before the guest star and DJ, and the guest star is Rianti Dukes and some local DJ. After all that we went back to BINUS using the bus provided.